
In this section, you can find all latest results and delivered data products of the Astrodeep project, that will be mainly addressed to the astronomical community, as well as dissemination meterial appropriately adjusted for the general public.

An aggressive dissemination plan will be undertaken in order to release our results to the wider European and world-wide astronomical community in a timely manner, through a dedicated web- service with a unified portal for data access.

The delivered data will be in the form of a) final stacked images, b) multi-wavelength catalogues, spectral energy distributions, and photometric/spectroscopic redshifts, and c) derived rest-frame parameters (e.g. stellar masses, star-formation rates). We will also disseminate the software specifically developed for our analysis. We will ensure professional high-quality, properly- documented data products by engaging the technical expertise of the collaboration members which have vast experience of serving Virtual Observatory (VO)-compatible data products to the European community.

We will explore the possibility of implementing, in this portal, advanced methods of data mining and visualization using existing VO tools. The long-term archiving of the data will be ensured by making them available in the CDS database.We will take special care to make the community fully aware of the scientific and technological achievements of the program, through publications, major scientific conferences open also to participants outside the circle of the collaboration members and a number of dedicated Press Releases as soon as major goals of ASTRODEEP are accomplished.