Distribute to the community the output of our work. The major task of this WP will be to set up an appropriate dissemination of the data and catalogues. We will set up a dedicated web service for immediate dissemination of the data that will provide a unified portal for data access. We will also explore the possibility of implementing, in this portal, advanced methods of data mining and visualization using existing VO tools. These two activities will be executed by the INAF-OAR and UEDIN units. We will also ensure the long-term archiving of the data by making them available in the CDS database. The second specific goal of the WP is to make the community fully aware of the scientific and technological achievements of the program. For this purpose, in addition to publications, we will organize at least one major scientific conference focusing on these topics.
Description of work
- Public release of data catalogues. Catalogues are produced in WP4; here the goal is to make them available through appropriate public databases. We will set up a dedicated web portal acting as the immediate dissemination node, and we will transfer the data and catalogues to CDS to ensure long term availability.
- Conferences. We plan to organize one international conference in Europe and one expanded collaboration meeting, open to US CANDELS and HERSCHEL GOODS participants.
- For the general public, we will setup a specific session of our web portal to provide images, movies and general information about our activity.
- We will coordinate our activity in the field with the Media and Outreach offices at INAF, CNRS, UEDIN and also in ESA in order to prepare a number of dedicated Press Releases as soon as the major goals of ASTRODEEP are accomplished.